
How To Manage Your Coworking Space

With the growing demand for coworking spaces, many freelancers, small teams, and even corporates choose to use these flexible private workspaces instead of building an office. There are many reasons for why coworking spaces face such great demand – it is cost-effective, operates 24/7, is a great place to form solid connections, etc. It is especially ideal for freelancers and remote workers since they are provided a professional work environment at any time of the day according to their preferences. This rise in demand means more opportunities as well as competition. To stand out from the crowd, you need to have a technological advantage. Online booking of meeting rooms, contract management, event management and the like are a great advantage when it comes to managing your coworking space. After all, the world is online now. 

At the end of the day, not everything can be handled manually without mistakes. Most aspects of our professional lives are virtual now. To get on with the times and function efficiently, you need to employ management software that will make your work life easier. To meet all your needs and demands, we here at Engage have come up with software that help you manage your coworking space to the best of its ability. We believe Engage is the right fit for you with all the prime features and advantages we provide. Take a look at what we have to offer to make a well-informed decision. 

Why Engage?

Engage is an advanced workspace management software with 100% white labelled application built on a SaaS model to help you streamline your coworking space. We work with coworking spaces, tech parks and business sectors to convert all these spaces into technology-enabled spaces. This is what you probably already know about us by looking at our website so what else is left to say? Well, we believe that one can never be too informed when making a decision. This article has been written to you, our potential clients, to know exactly what you will be offered if you choose to employ our software. To expand further on why you should choose engage, we will brief you about the various first-rate features we provide. 

Meeting room booking system

Online meeting room booking is crucial to any coworking space management software. We provide an extremely efficient meeting/conference/event room booking system that will help your clients book meeting rooms in any of your locations according to availability. This proves to be very helpful for clients who have an impromptu meeting in a different city. Once the room is booked for a particular time slot, that slot is not shown to other clients when they check the availability of rooms. This feature helps your clients have a clear schedule without any quarrels regarding who gets to use the room. Since the whole process is online, it gets done in less than a minute. Maybe this could get your clients an extra long coffee break!

Social engagement feature

As we all know, social engagement is vital in forming connections. With Engage’s streaming features, you too can upload posts, send notifications and connect with all the employees who share your coworking space. This feature also helps your members relay announcements to their team/company as a whole through the Engage App instead of sending emails to every individual employee, thus reducing the time spent on sending out these invitations. Building a friendly atmosphere by getting to know your colleagues has proven to increase workplace satisfaction. Now, the water cooler conversations can even be made online!


Have you ever had one of those days when there is a wide network issue in your space and all your clients start bombarding you with calls to fix it? Stress seems like the mood of the day during these times. To avoid this chaos and mess, Engage provides you a ticketing feature that helps your workers notify your IT support team and maintenance team directly to solve their issues. All they have to do is go to the Engage app and raise a ticket to address the issue for your dedicated support specialists to take care of it. Doesn’t it sound great to get everything done sitting in one spot?


As a company, you and your clients may conduct various events to build your community. While it is entertaining for your workers, it might be a tad bit hectic for the organisers. Engage helps you plan your events seamlessly by assisting you in collecting the attendance and booking information upfront. This leads to better management of these events to make sure you don’t end up misspending your resources. 

Visitor management 

Having visitors in your coworking space helps you introduce more people to the services you provide. Not to mention, your clients might need to invite visitors for certain meetings as well. Engage aids you in your visitor management by making the entire process contactless. The visitors can enter by simply scanning a QR code made for your company after getting approved by the member who provided them an invitation. During this process, the member can choose to deny entry to the visitor as well if it was an unscheduled visit, thus helping you make sure all the visits are above-board. 

Apart from the ones mentioned above, Engage contains many convenient and exciting features that will help you lead your coworking space to the top. Be it an e-signature feature to help you with your contracts or a unique, customisable taxation policy for your remote clients, we have it all. If we can’t convince you, we’re sure the 200+ satisfied clients we’ve had so far definitely can! Join us for a free demo to get an even better idea of what we have to offer. We’re sure you won’t be disappointed. 

Coworking Management
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India Address :

8th Floor, Whitefield Main Rd, Brigade Metropolis, Garudachar Palya,
Mahadevapura, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560048.

Phone: +91 9901660101

Email : [email protected]

USA Address :

Promenade II, 1230 Peachtree Street North East, 19th
Floor, Atlanta, Georgia 30309.

Phone: +1 678 999 4652

Email : [email protected]